How We Work

How We Work
SiteWorks actively engages with owners and project teams to identify a project’s unique opportunities and challenges. Understanding these opportunities and challenges allow us to properly calibrate solutions that will lead to successful project outcomes.
We help envision achievable plans for design, construction and upkeep that are suited to the specifics of the site and its program. Our services are grounded not in just what we do but how we do it. While each project is unique, we have built our basic project approach based on five foundational principles:
Open Communication
We value clear, direct and honest discussion of project aspirations, goals, objectives and desired outcomes.
Creative Collaboration
As design professionals, we welcome the opportunity to explore new possibilities and ways of doing things, but do so while keeping our egos in check — it’s about the project, not us. We truly appreciate that differing points of view can frame challenges and opportunities in new and exciting ways.
Technical Excellence
We are constantly exploring and evaluating the use of new materials, assemblies, and implementation methodologies – not just on paper, but in the field during construction. Our staff is committed to continuing education. We frequently speak at conferences. We teach. We publish. We are actively engaged with experts in the fields of design, ecology, soils, horticulture, irrigation, construction and facilities management, to better understand what works and what doesn’t.
Sustainable Stewardship
We make it a point to think about how our projects will fare after they are built. Landscapes often take years to become established and they change substantially over time as they mature. We work closely with owners and facility managers to help them understand how they can enable long-term success of their outdoor places while minimizing costs and environmental impacts.
Environmental Education
Our passion is to heal urban ecologies and improve human well-being through the establishment of meaningful outdoor environments that capture people’s imaginations. Design, construction and maintenance practices contribute collectively to a project’s ecological success. We teach by doing. We engage owners, project teams and end users in a process focused on creating or restoring ecological function and value.